Monday, August 15, 2011

How often should you get your carpets cleaned???

Good day, Lincoln and Nebraska.  Sorry I haven't posted for a while.  I promise to do better!

The topic this time is "how often should one get their carpets cleaned?"

Some customers call me when they can see that their carpet is dirty.  This occurs at widely different times for each customer, due to their lifestyle and their carpet type.  An example of this is the busy family with several children and several pets.  This household will likely needed cleaned every 6-9 months.  (Of coarse, some households like this are very clean and only need it cleaned every 12-18 months.) 

Some customers want their carpet cleaned on a schedule, typically 1 or 2 times per year, based on time.  Sometimes these customer's carpet is very dirty in appearance, sometimes not.

Some customers do a cleaning with a change in their life- children moving out (or back in), back to school, family visit, etc.

Being a carpet cleaning company, we are biased, obviously- BUT we try not to be pushy!  We'll tell you our opinion, based on your carpet and lifestyle, and let you decide.

Typically, carpet manufacturers recommend every "12-24" months.  And this time frame is acceptable for many households, especially ones with no pets or children. 

Here is the bottom line:  Do you feel like your carpet is dirty?  Then give us a call and we'll clean it up.  If you can stand not cleaning it for several years, that is fine!  (We do feel that the more you clean your carpet, the longer it will last- so if you have made a big investment in some nice carpet, we would recommend a yearly cleaning.)  If it looks dirty in 6 months because you have a busy life, that is okay too.

We can put you on a schedule, too, if you wish (and we offer discounts for schedules- just ask me for details!)  We have several clients who get their homes cleaned every quarter, and some twice a year.  If you want us to keep track, no problem!


Jeremy Warner/ Owner/ Red Dog Carpet Cleaning.

Monday, April 4, 2011

About Red Dog Carpet Cleaning Lincoln...

Hello everyone!

So why on earth would you want to hire Red Dog Carpet Cleaning to clean your carpets, upholstery/furniture, or area rugs?  Why not just hire a name brand cleaner?

I understand that hiring a cleaner to come to your home and be IN your home with your posssions, children, pets, can be a bit uncomfortable.  So we do our best to be respectful of your time, family, and stuff.  Here are some reasons to give us a try...

  1. Red Dog Carpet Cleaning is not a franchise.  The system we use- a very customer service oriented, super hot steam cleaning- has been tested and refined by us.  Each individual product we use has been tested by us many times.  That said, we are also an I.I.C.R.C. certified firm, and follow their procedures.  We are essentially a "mom and pop" company.
  2. We use responsible, "green seal" certified products whenever possible.  This means that the products we use to clean your carpets, in most cases, are very safe for you, your family, your pets, and us, too.  By the way, these producst DO work awesome.
  3. When needed, we will use more traditional products if the carpet condition requires.  We always discuss these options with you first!
  4. Our truckmount carpet cleaning machine, the "El Diablo" is new, very modern, and very powerful.  It will get your carpets very clean, and as dry as possible.
  5. When your hire Red Dog to clean for you, your get Jeremy, the owner, as the technician on the job.  (hopefully this is a positive...) 
  6. We give 5% of our profits to Cedars Youth Services right here in Lincoln, Nebraska.
  7. If you are not satisfied with our work, we will promptly return to make it right.  If you are still not satisfied, we will refund your money, no questions asked!
  8. We have an awesome logo!
  9. We are invested in Lincoln and Nebraska:  Karlin has a masters in Textile Science from UNL, and I have a B.S. from Wesleyan.  We are both 5th generation Nebraska natives.
So...check out our website, facebook, twitter, etc, and give me a call or email if you have any questions...we are here to serve you!  Thanks!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The First Blog...Vacuums!

Good Morning Everyone:

So...what is the best vacuum?  I talk with my customers about what they like and don't like, and I run one every day.  Here are my thoughts...I hope you find this helpful.

Vacuum's with a bag seem more convenient than the bag-less ones:  The main reason is that when one dumps a bag-less vacuum (or at least the one I have) it sprays dust into the air, and gets my hand and sometimes cloths covered with dust.  Yes, it is cool to watch all that dirt accumulate in the tank.  It just isn't very fun to dump.  It does seem to me, too, that the bag holds a lot more dirt than a tank...of coarse, one can't see inside the bag, so maybe it is more easy to ignore how much you've scooped up and just keep going...

On the other hand, the bag-less ones do save on bags, both the cost and the waste, so that is something to consider.  Maybe I should reconsider...

You get what you pay for, sort of:  I have had quite a few vacuums.  I have had a very nice, high dollar bag-less, a very very cheap bag version, and a commercial bag vacuum. 

I must say, my very cheap vacuum does a pretty good job.  However, after about a month of constant use, (not abuse) the handle began to break.  It seems that it is beginning to break apart nearly everywhere.  My advise is that if you need a cheep vacuum, buy one!  They will likely work for a while, but will not hold up to heavy use (like a carpet cleaning company.) 

We've discussed the bag-less...just remember, they can be more messy. 

My commercial vacuum cost about 250$.  Actually fairly inexpensive, compared to a lot of vacuums.  It really does a great job.  So great, that I use it in my own home versus our other vacuum.  It does look a little dated- it sure doesn't look cool like a trendy bag-less.  But it is very powerful, tough, and reliable.  I would recommend one, even for your home weekly use.  I think, for the cost, they really do a good job.

The other great thing about the commercial vacuum is that I purchased it from a small, family owned store here locally.  These guys are pretty enthusiastic about vacuums and would be happy to talk with you.  I don't want this to be about pointing you to a specific store or vacuum, but if you are in the market for one, give me a call and I'll give you my two cents.  402-480-1411.

