Monday, August 15, 2011

How often should you get your carpets cleaned???

Good day, Lincoln and Nebraska.  Sorry I haven't posted for a while.  I promise to do better!

The topic this time is "how often should one get their carpets cleaned?"

Some customers call me when they can see that their carpet is dirty.  This occurs at widely different times for each customer, due to their lifestyle and their carpet type.  An example of this is the busy family with several children and several pets.  This household will likely needed cleaned every 6-9 months.  (Of coarse, some households like this are very clean and only need it cleaned every 12-18 months.) 

Some customers want their carpet cleaned on a schedule, typically 1 or 2 times per year, based on time.  Sometimes these customer's carpet is very dirty in appearance, sometimes not.

Some customers do a cleaning with a change in their life- children moving out (or back in), back to school, family visit, etc.

Being a carpet cleaning company, we are biased, obviously- BUT we try not to be pushy!  We'll tell you our opinion, based on your carpet and lifestyle, and let you decide.

Typically, carpet manufacturers recommend every "12-24" months.  And this time frame is acceptable for many households, especially ones with no pets or children. 

Here is the bottom line:  Do you feel like your carpet is dirty?  Then give us a call and we'll clean it up.  If you can stand not cleaning it for several years, that is fine!  (We do feel that the more you clean your carpet, the longer it will last- so if you have made a big investment in some nice carpet, we would recommend a yearly cleaning.)  If it looks dirty in 6 months because you have a busy life, that is okay too.

We can put you on a schedule, too, if you wish (and we offer discounts for schedules- just ask me for details!)  We have several clients who get their homes cleaned every quarter, and some twice a year.  If you want us to keep track, no problem!


Jeremy Warner/ Owner/ Red Dog Carpet Cleaning.


  1. The information provided in this post is great and it is very useful for carpet lovers.. THANX
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  2. Great Blog!! That was amazing. Your thought processing is wonderful. The way you tell the thing is awesome. You are really a master.

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  3. I love your blog, this is very helpful and useful.we should know how we often clean our carpet..i always use vacuum to clean my carpet when week ends i call carpet cleaning

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  4. I usually tell my clients with carpet cleaning Portland OR that they should strive for cleanings every 4-6 months. Of course that depends on whether or not they have pets and/or children.

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